Our Work

Theory of Change

The thought work behind how we understand the problem we are solving,
how we believe it changes, and what we are uniquely positioned to do
about it.

Our Theory of Change

When we take the following actions, we work toward achieving our ultimate goal of a world where every person can pursue their education and realize their full potential and purpose as literate, empowered, self-reliant citizens.

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Our Problem

When we take the following actions, we work toward achieving our ultimate goal of a world where every person can pursue their education and realize their full potential and purpose as literate, empowered, self-reliant citizens.

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How we define the issue we are working to solve.
Despite more children being in school globally, they aren't learning very much. The world suffers from Learning Poverty: being unable to read and understand a simple text by age 10 (World Bank, 2021).
important factors
The supply side, demand side, and enabling environmental factors of the issue.
Despite more children being in school globally, they aren't learning very much. The world suffers from Learning Poverty: being unable to read and understand a simple text by age 10 (World Bank, 2021).
How w
Despite more children being in school globally, they aren't learning very much. The world suffers from Learning Poverty: being unable to read and understand a simple text by age 10 (World Bank, 2021).