Our Work

How We Work

How we do our work as as important as what work we do.
Learn more about our approach, considerations, and the
safeguards we put in place in doing our work with our values.

Our Approach

Evidence-driven + iterative development (EA: catalytic, neglected, sustainable)

We have a love of words, but believe they must be filled with substance. Evidence and iterative development of our ideas drive our solutions.

Minimum Viable Bureaucracy

Policies, procedures: child safeguarding, fiduciary management, procurement, research ethics, DEI, Anti-bribery, Whistleblowing, media use,

We utilize policies and procedures for the following:
  • Fiduciary Management
  • Procurement
  • Child Safeguarding
  • Research Ethics
  • Media and Image Use
  • Anti-bribery
  • Whistleblowing

Policies and Practices

Our vision of the way the world can and ought to be and what we are working towards.

When we say 100%, we mean it. No, we do not believe we will accomplish this alone, but we will make a substantial impact on strategic, structural issues that move the world towards it. We believe every child has both the capability and deserves to cultivate literacy skills.

How? Read more below.