News & Updates

Explore the stories of the human impact of our work, those behind it, and ways to support it.


Patrick Matuga's Journey Towards Gender Equality in the Classroom

July 26, 2024
5 min read
Patrick Matuga joined the Teacher Development program to improve his teaching. He has learned to give equal attention to all students, boosting girls' confidence in subjects like Math. The training has also transformed his family life, teaching him to treat his children equally, regardless of their gender. Patrick is now raising awareness about gender-based violence and equality in his community. His story shows the power of gender equality in education in creating a more inclusive society.
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Maker Studio Spotlight: Teens Ta Guwa Magazine

October 12, 2023
5 min read
Teens Ta Guwa is a product of Pangea's Maker Studio, where we bring our design expertise to partner organizations to amplify their impact. Learn about the problem we are tackling for girls between 10-20 across South Sudan.
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Introducing: Pangea Makers Studio

September 28, 2023
5 min read
Introducing Pangea's Maker Studio. Learn about products we've made and can make to partner with organizations to multiply their impact.
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Book Launch: The Thief Strikes

July 18, 2023
5 min read
Announcing our newest book "The Thief Strikes", a story about ebola, preparation, and hope.
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Gender Responsive Training Pilot

May 16, 2023
5 min read
Pangea and UNESCO GRO GEST pilot research on new strategies and concepts through a co-curricular approach of training teachers
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Meeting a Champion of Refugee Education

February 21, 2019
5 min read
Walking into Saint Peter’s Square it is hard not gawk at impressive gothic architecture that has stood at the center of one of the world’s major religions for 500 years. Marble pillars encircle the square topped with sculptures of 140 saints looking down into the square. It is one of the most recognizable squares in the world. Look to the left and you will notice something changing, though.
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Pangea Lead Workshop in Rome

February 21, 2019
5 min read
CEO Drew Edwards and Research Intern Kavita Kar presented “Leveraging technology for learning in refugee camp settings” at the Refugee and Migrant Education Network biannual meeting. The conference was held from September 26th-28th in Rome, Italy held at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
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Silver Bullets and Sleeping Giants

February 21, 2019
5 min read
Technologies and applications abound to educate children in remote and hybrid settings, but how we use these tools and who we use them with may be more important than what is on them.
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