Our Work

Pangea Publishing

Pangea Publishing produces culturally, linguistically relevant reading materials with an early-grade focus. Our books are locally authored, illustrated, and produced in the communities they are read in.

Diverse books
that every learner
can see themselves in

Folklore Storybooks

Our folklore readers were the first storybooks and are still making more today. We have collected over 1,000 stories since the beginning and have created 75 folklore storybooks to date.

  • The Big Idea:
    Leveraging and valorizing cultural knowledge to write culturally relevant stories.

  • Outcome:
    Familiar plots empower pre-literate family members to engage with their children's reading.

  • Benefits to Boot:
    Preserving and documenting oral history in the process of creating stories.

Original Storybooks

We craft our original stories with local authors and illustrators with present-day life in mind. We make books to engage kids with characters, places, and ideas they can see themselves in let their imaginations run wild.

  • The Big Idea:
    Make local, original stories relevant to issues kids experience now.

  • Intended Outcome:
    Helping kids see themselves in books as they learn to read to increase engagement.

  • Benefits to Boot:
    These are our most popular books with students!

Issue-Based Books

Issue Books address these realities face-on where kids and their caretakers can explore and address them openly. For each Issue Book we partner our pedagogical expertise with subject matter experts to design impactful and useful lesson plans.

Issue books are made for children grades 4 and above. We do this to explore issues with depth of language and lean into issues at an age that is developmentally appropriate instead of only scratching the surface of them.

  • The Big Idea
    Kids face difficult realities as much as adults do. We make books about common issues in children's lives.

  • The Outcome
    Increased utility of reading beyond enjoyment, preparing children to utilize informational text beyond studying for summative assessments.

  • Benefits to Boot
    Meaningful exploration of important, often unspoken topics including: public health, violence, gender, and more!

Read Our Books

See our full catalog, freely available online and books for purchase on Amazon. You can use filters to find the genre, level, and features of storybooks for your work.

Start Reading

Insights & Recognition

We believe community and collaboration is the recipe to meaningful progress.

Communities know the problems they face best. They also know their strengths and assets. We bring our expertise to design and implement solutions, together.
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Community identified issues
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Asset-based Community Development approach
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No research and run. We research with and report to the communities we serve.

We use powerful, open-source solutions

There are an abundance of resources to solve learning poverty. We use openly developed, AI-enabled applications. All applications used are:
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Open-source applications
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Offline enabled
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Utilize adaptive feedback loops

We leverage artificial intelligence to accelerate growth

By honest, we don’t mean harsh. We put kindness and empathy at the centre of our business, so we, our employees and our customers enjoy working together.
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Unlimited paid leaves
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Health insurance for all
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Flexible work hours

Formative, inclusive feedback loops

We utilize continuous, formative assessments and inclusive feedback devices to inform and include both students and their families in their learning:
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Continuous assessments for continual feedback
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Formative assessments for targeted growth
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Inclusivity is front to maximise family involvement

The Impact of Representation

UNESCO-IBE and Harvard University published Learning to Build Back Better Futures For Education:
Lessons from educational innovation during the covid-19 pandemic.
contributing to the development of operational strategies for
change in education during disruption.
Pangea Publishing's COVID learning series is featured in Chapter 13


Leveraging Storytelling to Return to School Safely in Liberia

Pangea partnered with the Vice President's Office of the Republic of Liberia. What we learned about using storytelling to engage and safely return to school.

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Stories of Impact